Event Attendance

<% if (bean.get ("details") == null) { %>
Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Performance at Shore Country Day School
Setup crew arrives at 8:30. All performers arrive at 9:00. Performance begins at 10:00.
<% } else { %>
Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Performance at Shore Country Day School
Setup crew arrives at 8:30. All performers arrive at 9:00. Performance begins at 10:00. We will be joined by students from the school. We will perform A Celebration of the Sea for an audience of students grades K-5 and teachers.
Description: Meet in the theater, a low, brick building with a Pirates of Penzance sign over the door.
Don't forget: bring music, instruments, props, costume.
Admission price: free
Sponsor Information: http://www.shoreschool.org/welcome/directions.html
Location:     Open map in new window
    Shore Country Day School
    545 Cabot St.
    Beverly, MA
    781-662-5385 (Mike Salvatore)
<% } %>

Instructions: Please let us know whether you can attend the event or not.

Can Nancy Knight come to this event?

Yes No Not sure yet

If you didn't answer Yes, please write the reason below. Or even if you did write Yes but have time constraints, you can write that too. This information will only be shared with the directors for scheduling purposes.

Note to directors: